The Brave browser has a privacy feature that breaks this website - unless they've fixed it, you'll find that the mouse doesn't work quite right in this app. You can either use a different browser when using this tool or you can do that by "lowering shields" for this site. You do that by clicking the shield/lion button just to the right of the URL above and change the slider beside "Shields are up".

Fill this in with stuff.

If you have a logic gate selected in the field above, clicking on this will convert it to this kind of logic gate.

Dragging this button into the field above will create a new logic gate of this type.

You also create logic gates by putting your mouse cursor where you want the new gate to be and pressing 'a' (and), 'A' (nand), 'o' (or), 'O' (nor), 'x' (xor) or 'X' (xnor).

Stop/pause the simulation. 'g' is the keyboard shortcut to start the simulator, 's' pauses it.

Advance the simulation by one tick. 'n' is the keyboard shortcut.

Not active unless the simulation is paused!

"Inputs" represents switches, buttons, and sensors in the game.

If you have an input selected in the field above, clicking on this (or pressing space) will toggle the input on/off.

Dragging this button into the field above will create a new input. You can also create an input by putting your mouse at the place where you want it and pressing 'i'.

Inputs can be toggled by Ctrl+Clicking on them.

A 9-tick timer - currently that's the only kind of timer supported.

Dragging this into the field above will create a new timer. You can also create a timer by putting your mouse at the place where you want it and pressing 't'.

Delete the selected input, timer, or logic gate. (DEL or BACKSPACE are keyboard shortcuts.)

Simulate what happens when reload the game or game chunk. '4' is the keyboard shortcut.

"Paint" the selected logic gate or input. In the game, this causes the current state to be the state that it will reload with. 'p' is the keyboard shortcut.

Note that any alteration to a control (e.g. making a connection, changing its logic type, etc) will update the saved state, just as it does in the game.

Simulates putting the build on a lift - all states are wiped.

The keyboard shortcut is 'l'.

Simulates taking the build off of a lift - this causes the current state of the circuit to become the saved state.

Reloading will cause it to return to this state.

The keyboard shortcut is SHIFT+L.

Create a sharable link to the current design and copy it to your clipboard.

Note that really big designs might not be sharable like this because of URL length restrictions.

Load a previously saved JSON copy of a design from a file on your machine.

Save a JSON copy of a design to a file on your machine.

Load a blueprint from the game into the session. This will wipe your current design!

Saves the design as a blueprint that can be read by Scrap Mechanic.

Description:         markdown enabled; shift+enter when done.